About the Director

Posted by J-ArteCh Digital Illustrations On 12:11 AM

 Joanny C. Chavarria Director and founder of  J-ArtCh Gestiôn Design
(Brief Biography)

Joanny was born in Costa Rica, his childhood developed between the city of Heredia and the town of Barva until he was 19 years old, when he was studying at the University of Costa Rica, he  received a scholarship to study at Architecture School at the University of the District of Columbia in Washington DC (92-97), during this time he was part of the Design Competition team, representing the architecture school on intercollegiate design contests and winning several awards in different categories.

He lived in the metropolitan area of Washington DC until the middle of the first decade of 2K, by that time he already had have reached many personal goals by himself... Joanny worked on an internship at the OAS (Organization of American States) and making occasionally voluntary work at a Hispanic theater "Teatro de la Luna" in Arlington Virginia and also developed a career in digital arts during the decade of the 90's.

Back in Costa Rica, he managed the acquired knowledge to start a new career in the field of telecommunications, working on the supervision of installation of telecommunications network equipment, designing and coordinating new routes for the fiber optic network in Costa Rica... working on this field for more than 12 years, allowed him to understand the benefits provided for the positive changes that technology brings.

On 2014, he decided to work in parallel a new project… taking advantage of his skills, professional experience and technical knowledge to reach back to his arts roots through his dramatic view of the digital arts… to start a new challenge founding “J-ArteCh Gestiôn Design “ with the objective of promoting his own artwork, as well of promoting other visual artists and cultural events.

This was the beginning of J-ArteCh Gestiôn Design … 

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J-ArteCh Gestión Diseño Producción